Global Location Numbers (GLN)
We can supply Global Location Numbers for use as a location identifier. A few retailers internationally require these as a prerequisite for trading with them. If you require a GLN number you can purchase this below. Information on specific store requirement can be found on our barcode acceptance page.
INSTANT EMAIL DELIVERY – Your email will contain your globally unique EAN-13 barcode numbers, your barcode images (in 4 different formats jpeg, png, svg, & pdf), barcode registration instructions, and a guarantee certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of your barcode numbers.
Complimentary barcode registration on the International Barcodes Database.
Instant email delivery if paying by credit or debit card or PayPal on our website.
Quantity | Price per Barcode |
1 | Br 2,240 |
2 + | Br 2,155 each |
3 + | Br 2,070 each |
5 + | Br 1,722 each |
Note – All prices are in Ethiopian Birr